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As the coronavirus spreads it's going to be harder and harder for us musicians to make a living so if you have enjoyed the content of this blog or some of my videos or enjoyed my gigs in the past please consider making a donation, "every little helps" as a certain supermarket likes to say and would much appreciated!

Wednesday 11th December 2013 13:53:00

Last two gigs of the year and a Timelapse Christmas Card Video

Just two more gigs to go this year. (barring short notice bookings, need
some acoustic blues for your news years eve party?).

This Sunday 15th December I will be playing a solo gig at the Hobbits
Restuarent and Bar Hight Street Hythe, this is always a good one, starts
out restauarant style then evolves into a more informal bar gig as the
eveing progresses.

Then in the gap between Christmas and the New Year Walker Broad (in three
piece mode) will be making a first appearance at the Red Lion in Arundel on
Saturday the 28th. Looking forward to this one.

Thanks for all your support through the year, hear is a video Christmas card
with a blues theme.



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