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As the coronavirus spreads it's going to be harder and harder for us musicians to make a living so if you have enjoyed the content of this blog or some of my videos or enjoyed my gigs in the past please consider making a donation, "every little helps" as a certain supermarket likes to say and would much appreciated!

Friday 31st July 2015 14:28:00

Blues News From Portsmouth - August 2015 - France Videos and more

Hello and welcome to this months news letter, July has been rather busy with
the CD release and tour of France and August promises to be busy too...

** French Tour **

Got back at the beginning of the weeke from another great tour of France,
with two new venues this year, and quite a bit more driving, a total of
2014 miles!

I haven't yet sorted through my photos but have managed to process at least
one video from each gig and you can find the playlist here:

** Every Penny of the Deal **

The CD has now filtered it's way through the various distribution systems
and is now available to buy from iTunes, CDBaby, Amazon et al.

Thoe in the states that want to buy the CD itself (as opposed to downloads)
would be receomended to buy from CD baby at

or possbly if you prefer, those in UK and Europe buy direct from
myself at

or of course at a gig....

** Giglist **

Saturday August 1st
Private Party - Chichester
Andy Broad - Original acoustic and electric blues.

This one is invite only, but if you would like us to play for your own
function or party please get in touch, anything from solo blues , acoustic
jazz folk or full on electric band can be arranged :-)

Sunday August 2nd - 12:30 - 3:30 pm
The Auckland Arms - Netley Road, Southsea
The Sunday lunchtime (mostly) Blues Jam.

All welcome, players and listeners a like.

Saturday August 8th - 5:30 pm till 7:30 pm
Wickham Festival Fringe at The Kings Head, Wickham Square
The Walker Broad Band
Original Folk Blues and Jazz

Thursday August 13th
The Vaults, Albert Road, Southsea
Burnt Ice - raw funky contemporary blues.

Sunday August 16th - 2pm start
Angry Aly's Southsea
Andy Broad - Acoustic and Electric Blues.

Sunday August 23rd
Blues At the Red - The Red Lion, Stevenage
Andy Broad - Acoustic and Electric Blues.

Sunday August 30th - 1pm - 3pm
The Roebuck, Droxford Road , Wickham
Andy Broad - Acoustic and Electric Blues.

Look forward to seeing you at a gig soon!


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