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As the coronavirus spreads it's going to be harder and harder for us musicians to make a living so if you have enjoyed the content of this blog or some of my videos or enjoyed my gigs in the past please consider making a donation, "every little helps" as a certain supermarket likes to say and would much appreciated!

Friday 18th December 2015 14:27:00

Blues News From Portsmouth - XMas Video and CD review.

Welcome to (probably) the last newsletter of the year.

** Christmas Card **

As has become abit of a tradtion, I have created a new blues / guitar themed
christmas card design and recorded a timelapse of the process, accompanied
this time by a improvised slide guitar instrumental played on my Les Paul
Gold Top Deluxe.

Here's a link to it:

** CD Review in Blues In Britain **

The december issue of Blues in Britain featured a review of my CD "Every
Penny Of The Deal" written by Bob Chaffey.

I've added a link to the text of the review and also a revue in Blues In The
Northwest to mu CD Sales page here.

The reviews are just below the preview video , just click on the picture to
link to a readable version text.

Many Thanks for all your support through the year and

Merry Christmas

PS The gigging starts again with a charity Jam at The Vaults in Albert Road
on New Years Day, hosted by Shep Woolley, followed by the regular Auckland
Jam on Sunday the 3rd.

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