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As the coronavirus spreads it's going to be harder and harder for us musicians to make a living so if you have enjoyed the content of this blog or some of my videos or enjoyed my gigs in the past please consider making a donation, "every little helps" as a certain supermarket likes to say and would much appreciated!

Sunday 14th October 2018 11:07:00

Record Break Cafe - Ennis

Saturday was a two gig day and the first up was the Record Break in Ennis. Start was at 3pm and as it was only a short drive away there was plenty of time to have a relaxed lunch to restock my body from the losses of the day before!

We arrived in Ennis at about 2:40, but JR had to pick up food for the cats and inevitably started chatting with the shop owner, so we made it the venue at closer to 3:00. However the place was quite small and had a small PA in place allready so just needed to add microphones and use JRs WEM for the guitar, so were ready to go very quickly.

The volume of the A was quite low so the gig had a very acoustic feel and the small audience (15 to 20) were very attentive. 15 to 20 was quite close to capacity by the way.

Despite the intimate acoustic feel it wasn't long before a couple of women were dancing at the back. I always like it when people dance at acoustic gigs as I always feel blues is best listened on your feet and not treated like some kind of respectful classical music!

The cafe itself, run by the very welcoming Sinead and Sean, is half record shop half cafe and has a small indoor stage where I was playing) and larger outdoor stage for the summer, which must be a great setup. The clientele are very friendly and obviously like their music. One guy had travelled 70 miles to be there!

Sold some CDs and had some nice chats with the customers after!

All in all a great reboot to the tour after the hiccup the day before.

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