Album tracks decided and an end of year poem to bring a tear to your eye Views: 4331
Well, excitement or what?! This is the last blog of 2011 and the last day of a year filled with strangeness, wonder, hard work and marvells. Not much to report since the last blog except to say that Andy and I got together earlier in the week to rehearse a few songs that we know we want to put on the album and to decide exactly what/how many etc. songs should go on there. We discovered that in the 18 months or so we have been music making as a duo we have written 20 songs which we now perform and there are still more in the pipeline. This means that not only do we have enough for one album now we also have nearly enough material for the second album! What a great thing to discover at the end of the year! So now the format of the album 'A Walk ABroad' is decided and we will continue deciding arrangements and also finally settle on which studio to use. It is most likely that the album will be ready for purchase at the end of March, a bit later than I'd hoped but better to get it right and take a bit longer was the thought. Hurrah!
Also, to end the year, a bit of a sad poem. I hope this one will set the seal on the sad stuff and maybe make way for the happier stuff that may happen next year. Who knows? I wrote this this morning upon waking, not before I got meself a cuppa mind!
Happy new year to you all and here's to it being a stonker!