Photograph © 2011 G.E.Whiting.

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Funded By Indiegogo

Welcome To The
Walker Broad Website

Latest News

Monday 28th November 2022 15:13:00

All Go At Indiegogo

Well it has happened. We have finally managed to gather together the time and space to get our crowd funder launched. What with puppies, holidays, other projects and life in general it has been quite a stretch but it is done!

We have now a feast of lovely treats which you can get from donating to our cause and helping us to get our next album recorded. From just getting a copy of our new album to download once it is recorded, to a private gig in a venue of your choice.

It's Xmas shopping with a twist! Every fiver will help us move closer to the goal so please do take a minute to contribute and help us on the way.

The crowd funder runs till just after Xmas and ideally we would like to get the studio booked ready for the New Year. With your help 2023 will be a great year for getting our mojo back and we're looking forward to getting out there to see more of you again.

Click Here

to visit our page at indiegogo and explore the perks you can get for your generous help with our project.

Stay safe everyone and thank you in advance.
Much love
Sandy xxx

You can Read more on Sandy's Blog.
If you'd like to keep up with the latest developments please join our mailing list using the form below....


Download "A Walk Abroad" from iTunes.

Download on iTunes

To listen to some of our music you can either choose from the drop list on the player to the left or browse through the more detailed selection on the 'Songs Page'

Our next gig is:

Thursday 1st January 1970
Please go to the 'Gigs Page' for a complete list.

Walker Broad and Portsmouth Blues Site Mailing List

If you would like to join our mailing lists to be kept up to date with what's happening on the local blues scene, please enter your email address here and then click on add to mailinglist

To alter your mailing list preferences please go the mailing list control page
You can read an archive of previous emails in the list archive

Direct Page Links For Accessabilty etc.
(Please Use Links In The Menu At The Top Of Page To Allow Continuos Music Play)
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