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Saturday 26th December 2015 17:11:00

Xmas greetings, happy new year and how long since the last blog!? Views: 2984

I am deep in writing mode and have not surfaced long enough to blog since September! I can hardly believe it and apologise profusely, I promise this blog will be worth following again by the middle of 2016 as i will be finished the thesis all bar the shouting and drunkenness anyway!

Speaking of drunkenness, it is Xmas festivities time is it not? Not much imbibing going on here as I am being a very grown up student but i hope that all of you in the world are having a great break full of joy and happiness and those of you that are having a more difficult time are managing to keep your heads above water. The new year will soon be upon us and here's hoping 2016 will be a better year, 2015 has been a bit crap for me personally and some of my family but i am an optimistic sort so fingers crossed. (ah apparently i am also superstitious) Wink Happy to report that i got two Bad Religion CDs for Xmas pressies from my two most excellent sons and have been mostly listening to them. What a great band they are!! 

We had a great festive gig in Winchester at the Bakers Arms in December which was a great start to the festive season for WB and the whole shebang, WAGs and all will be gathering at mine for a band evening of proportions rarely seen before on the 30th, Who knows we might even write a new song!

Well, best of all to you all and lashings of love. I'm good at that, plenty to go round Cool (being appropriate, no fnarr fnarr thank you!)


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