Photograph © 2011 G.E.Whiting.

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Friday 28th December 2012 13:29:00

Merry Xmas and a Happy New Year filled with promise! Views: 4335

I hope you have all had a wonderful Xmas and are anticipating a great new year for 2013. Kiss

It's always interesting to predict the next year and I always get it resoundingly wrong so am not even going to try. What I can say is that in the calendar of WB we have a great gig booked on 1st March at the Brookfield Hotel where you can get a three course dinner and coffee for £20 along with the mellow sounds of the WB band. That's a complete bargain! We've also got loads of radio play coming up, I was on Shep Wooley's show on Xmas day on Express fm talking about Xmas's past and he played our song 'Pointless' which sounded quite comfy in the line up of his brilliant show.

The highlight of the year for us may be the planned tour of Germany in July when we are taking a road trip playing at venues from Aachen to Luneberg and others in between. Watch the gig listings for more info as it comes in. Of course this may be only one of the brilliant things that happens this year we will wait and see. I can hardly wait!

Happy New Year to you with much love from the Walker Broad world!


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Saturday 15th December 2012 16:57:00
Thursday 6th December 2012 05:53:00
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