Photograph © 2011 G.E.Whiting.

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Sunday 17th July 2016 22:50:00

One eyed Walker at the Bakers Arms. Views: 6410

How to slow time down, it is July, barely seems possible. So we were at the Bakers Arms again last night in Winchester. Quieter then usual but still a lovely crowd. One very wise guy told us we sounded alot like Pentangle which is fab, cos I do love them!! All their incarnations, very wonderful. Cool I was in form blues wise I think, someone was filming me when I did Work Song which I took as a compliment. Of course I suppose he could have been posting on You tube with, look at her murdering this song....... nah hopefully not! I love singing that, the range is quite a thing to master and it feels good to be singing something Nina Simone used to. 

We've not written anything new lately, mainly due to my focus on thesis writing (now done but editing) and having an eye op. Op was 4 weeks ago to fix a rather large hole in my right retina, and I am only now getting some sight back in my eye. It has been really rather grim. I appreciate my sight now in a way I have never done, probably a good thing, and it gets so sore and tired after too much peering at screens etc. The best thing about it though is my new blues name 'One Eyed Walker', which I think has a certain ring to it!! Can;t keep the name for long as my sight should pretty much return to normal so must make the most of it!! I think drinking whiskey might be expected with a name like that. Any excuse!! Wink

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