Photograph © 2011 G.E.Whiting.

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Monday 3rd September 2018 11:11:00

Back again with a video blog from Andy to share Views: 36075


Well, i am gobsmacked by how quickly time flies by. It's been nearly a year since my last post and my intention to blog regularly again! Well, here is the next one and a renewed determination to blog more often. Music making is becoming more and more important to me in my everyday life so I will focus more here and a little less in the falsity of anxiety provoking capitalistic mayhem that pretends to be the real world. 

Last week Andy asked me to record his Vlog with him as he'd previously recorded one of the song now known as Emergency Exit whilst it was just an idea. I hate being on screen but squeezed my ego into a holdall and helped a mate as requested! Here is ensuing film and you can hear the song which is one of the newer ones we have added to the set.

Andy and I are always writing new material so we have now got about 2 albums worth of material ready for the next album which is well overdue!!

Anyway, have a listen/look and I hope you like it.

Much love all

Sandy xxx


Comment By :Andy
Tuesday 11th February 2020 10:59:34
Thanks Delia it's one of our favourites!
Comment By :Delia Whitbread
Sunday 3rd November 2019 23:22:00
I really love that Shadowed Land song... Thanks!

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